IT & C, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2022
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)IT & C Magazine is a quarterly publication in the fields of information and communications technology, and related fields of study and practice.
With or without Internet?, by Nicolae SfetcuINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Blockchain technology, by Nicolae SfetcuTELECOMUNICATIONS
5G communication networks, by Nicolae SfetcuINTERNET
Megadata (Big Data) on the Internet, by Nicolae SfetcuSOFTWARE
Excel: Shortcuts and basic formatting, by Nicolae Sfetcuappointment
Atomic Data Types in Python by Stephen DaviesWEB DEVELOPMENT
Variables in WordPress development, by Nicolae SfetcuCYBER SECURITY
Big Data Security: Threats, by Nicolae SfetcuONLINE BUSINESS
Content marketing, by Nicolae SfetcuMEDIATE
Research and Applications in Social Networks, by Bogdan Batrinca and Philip C TreleavenISSN 2821– 8469 ISSN – L 2821 – 8469, DOI: 10.58679/IT35986
IT & C, Volume 1, Number 2, December 2022
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)IT & C Magazine is a quarterly publication in the fields of information and communications technology, and related fields of study and practice.
The supremacy of IT&C technologies, by Nicolae SfetcuINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
The life cycle of artificial intelligence, by Nicolae SfetcuTELECOMUNICATIONS
The design and architecture of 5G communication networks, by Nicolae SfetcuINTERNET
How the Internet Works by Michael MendezSOFTWARE
Open / Create an image in Adobe Photoshop, by Nicolae Sfetcuappointment
Using the R Programming Language in Data Science with RStudio, by Rafael A. IrizarryWEB DEVELOPMENT
Web Servers, by Michael MendezCYBER SECURITY
Information security in working with megadata on the Internet, by Nicolae SfetcuONLINE BUSINESS
The design and modeling of blockchain technology – Bitcoin, by Nicolae SfetcuMEDIATE
Social network analytics, by Nicolae Sfetcu