The Security Management System from the Perspective of the Global Energy Crisis and the Extended Black Sea Region Escalating Conflict
Extended Black Sea Region, Black Sea, Security Management System, Ukraine Crisis, fossil resources, Global Energy CrisisAbstract
The contemporary security environment has increasingly unpredictable mutations and the international scene seems to be gripped by a conflict that threatens to erupt at any moment, becoming an open conflict, violent and able to spread quickly everywhere; although for decades the source of conflict appeared to be the Middle East region, more recently, this source of global conflicts seems to move a little further to the north, reaching the Extended Black Sea Region (EBSR). Apparently, in EBSR are the great fossil resources that will be important once the basins of oil/gas from the Middle East will be depleted. The moment of fossil resources depletion in the Middle East is not too far. The EBSR will become the global centre of interest and this move of the global source of conflict in the Black Sea region leads to the need to develop new and special models for the management of national security. But going towards which direction? This question among others raises the attention of the scientific research in this important area of security. The first goal could only be to find out the truth, because only based on truth we can develop the appropriate model of management.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela Georgiana Golea, Andreea Florina Radu, Tiberiu Tănase (Author)

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