Anomalies of general relativity




general relativity, gravity, gravitational singularities, quantum gravity


Over time, the general theory of relativity has accumulated several anomalies and discrepancies, indicating the need for a better theory about gravity or other approaches. The ad-hoc hypotheses introduced in general relativity to explain gravitational singularities based on energy conditions are not very efficient. More detailed assumptions on the content of the subject are needed. Many scientists and philosophers have come to the conclusion that singularities must be associated with reaching the limits of the physical validity of general relativity, and a new theory of quantum gravity needs to be developed.


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Author Biography

  • Nicolae Sfetcu, Romanian Academy

    Researcher - Romanian Academy - Romanian Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CRIFST), History of Science Division (DIS)


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How to Cite

Anomalies of general relativity. (2023). Scientific Knowledge, 1(2).